10. Sects and Religion: the Fraudsters of God

The problem of the sects has afflicted the Church since its beginnings. (121) Saint Paul had already encountered a similar problem in one of the communities he had founded, that of Corinth. Four or five years after he had brought it into the faith through his preaching, he noted with deep sorrow the existence of sectarian tendencies, which he reproached and whipped up.

We must not forget that religiosity is something consubstantial with the human being and one of his signs of identity that separates and differentiates him from the fauna. Hence the danger of speculation with the sacred, with beliefs, with faith.

Religiosity can never become a currency for defrauding man, even though "religion" may have been conceived, as in the case of Opus Dei, as “the kind of business that any businessman dreams of: selling goods with no cost of production, of an imperishable character, always adaptable to new markets and through a structure that uses the free labor of its believers and their particular sins as sources of capitalization. That's what paradise on earth is!” (122)

We cannot forget that raising money is the great religious objective, it is the spiritual goal, it is the mystical end of this type of sect. They cover their "marketing" by making the follower believe that money corrupts, that it is something dirty, that they must get rid of it in order to destine it to the service of God and his work, that is, for the sect. The same money that is a source of perdition for others, is a source of sanctification for the Work, making the accumulation of money a sacramental activity; therefore the member has to earn money to give it to the sect.

They exploit the supernatural, the transcendent, the religious, the sacred sentiment, selling bulls of sanctity precisely for profane, daily, professional work, where they can earn means of subsistence and amass fortunes but not for those who get them, but for the Work. Appeals are made to the heavenly dignity, to the most sensitive fibers of the human being, the sect is divinized to the point of daring to give it a name, even the supreme denomination, nothing more and nothing less than "Work of God".


121. Hernando, "Cuadernos de realidades sociales" ("Notebooks of social realities"), No. 35/36, p 20.
122. Rodríguez, "Las sectas hoy y aquí" ("Cults Today and Here"), p 34.

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