9. Human Waste, Psychological Destruction

Saralegui tells us: (115) “It is because of this sense of authority that young members are separated from their families, forbidden to tell their parents the true situation of their relations with the Institution, their reading, their time, their social relations are tightly controlled; they are denied attendance at shows, an internal work is added to the professional one so that a critical, profound and serene reflection is difficult for them. This spectacle of psychological pressure on immature hearts and heads I have never been able to approve of. There are other features of the Work that, like everything human, have their face and their cross; this one for me has been just a cross for many years.”

Why, if the Work is God's as they say, if its aims are good, why so much harm to so many?

In the Work some obtain many good things, at the cost of much damage, based on much lack of love, with many people destroyed in their most intimate existence.

Opus Dei is a phenomenon of the manifestation of abnormalities of the physiological development.

The accounts follow quite similar patterns, in the accusations made regularly. “I saw his behaviour change”, said a mother of her own daughter who had gone to Lakefield, the Opus Dei school in Hampstead, London. She was a wonderful daughter and now she has become secretive and introverted. (116)

Restrictions on girls seem to be based on the fear that, if they were exposed to family events, bonds of affection would be quickly restored. Attendance at baptisms or weddings is considered particularly dangerous. At least two former members of Opus Dei in England have explained that their decision to leave was prompted by Opus Dei's refusal to allow them to be bridesmaids at their sisters' weddings. Home visits are very rare, and are strictly regulated: a couple of nights a year is all that is allowed. On one occasion a father, a truck driver, met his daughter in London; she suddenly decided to go home with him for a visit. An Opus Dei superior called the house and accused the father of having kidnapped his own daughter.

The young people's relations with their families are practically non-existent. The Work encourages a clear division between the spiritual family and the natural family. Even Christmas is spent by the numeraries with whom they make them believe that they are their families: Opus Dei.

If there are deprogramming centers for members of Opus Dei, it is because there must have been a program in place beforehand. That is obvious. Brainwashing, as is the case here, can only be treated by adequate clinical treatment, which gives back reasoning and free will to the person subjected to the dictates of the organization. Through religious manipulation, the psyche of the individual is broken, altering his natural feelings and convictions, dragging him towards an abyss of irrationality and fanaticism.

This is the effect known as "atypical dissociative disorder" (117) as it is called by the American Psychiatric Association or "cult conversion syndrome" as Dr. Clark calls it.

It is a denigrating and immoral fact that, by means of perfectly studied techniques that violate the fragility of the human mind, people are reduced by means of fears and coercion of a religious and spiritual nature to states of servility and slavery before the unconsciousness of the affected person.

Among the ways and means to annul the wills and to achieve the pre-established ends are those of providing the subject with insufficient nourishment. Weak organisms are more fragile than healthy and robust bodies. It is quite normal for sects to establish special diets which, in the long run, lead to malnutrition or to prohibit for religious reasons a series of foods which may be basic to the diet.

Rest must be insufficient. It is necessary that the follower sleeps little and badly, that he or she does not relax with a deep and reparative sleep, that he or she does not regenerate. It is recommended to be vigilant at night, to be on guard, to be vigilant. Even sleep is interrupted at untimely hours with the excuse of doing certain prayers, which, according to the leaders, do the spirit good, when, in fact, the effect of the lack of sleep is to undermine the resistance of man. The bed should be uncomfortable, hard. We must offer this new sacrifice to God.

An exhaustive and disproportionate, tiring, occupational activity must be programmed for the individual. He must always be active, even if it is in useless things, carrying out tasks of all kinds, from recruitment to proselytizing, the development of professional work, religious practices, the acts of self mortification, studies and gatherings. It is necessary to imprint a frenetic and non-stop rhythm, where there is no time to think. We have to create a sense of anguish that we cannot do or finish the tasks and duties that we have to undertake during the day, in order to feel vexed and guilty, useless, not very holy, since sanctity is achieved when the impossible is reached, when the unattainable is surpassed. With a stressful and exhausting activity, with little time for rest and frugal and light food, the organism deteriorates and the person degrades.

The information received must come from the Sect itself. It is necessary to short-circuit the communication of the adept with the outside world, to control all his movements, his hobbies, his feelings, and his ideas, and to be accompanied, preferably.

One must attack the senses by blocking them. It is the sensory attack which prevents committing the permanent and perennial sin. One has to whip the senses by mitigating them, which will provoke psychomotor atrophy and serious organic alterations. In order to repress the senses, the sword of Damocles of punishment and penance will always be sharp, for non-existent, figurative, artificial, paranoid sins, but effective in producing a feeling of misery and inner guilt in the human person, which will provoke vital anguish, polarizing and dissociating the personality. It is the sect who sets the guidelines of the pure and the impure, the recommendable and the abominable, the just and the unjust, and the clan presses for the fulfillment of the order and the exemplary punishment of deviations, with humiliations and the contempt of companions and inner isolation.

Nervous exhaustion and terror. Here are two keys that are undermining the rational capacity and empowering to unheard of extremes the emotional one.

The effects of regression and childishness are achieved, which is translated into the own and exiguous language used inside the sect with ambiguous and complicit meanings. Childish words used by adolescents and veterans.

With all this properly dosified, "group drug-dependence" is achieved, the sectarian affection without any restrictions. And what is worse, the total and absolute destruction of the follower who has been reduced to being a tool, an effective instrument for obedience and blind faith in the designs imposed by the "Father" by obeying any of his whims as unquestionable truths, as dogmas, coming to sink into the belief that one is of his own free will in the sect and that the fanatics are the others, the rest of humanity. Internal cohesion is consolidated by huddling around the "Father" and considering any criticism from the outside as serious slander. They have also forbidden to make any kind of criticism of the "Father" or the behaviour of the leaders of the sect. They are slaves of our time, on the threshold of the 21st century. Programmed and directed robots.

To this, it must be added the suppression of the properties of the follower that leave them insolvent and that to survive they have no choice but to establish a steely dependence.

Once individuality has been suppressed, the depersonalizing objective has been achieved.

Sometimes the important thing is not what you believe, but how you believe it. (118)

They're like flies caught in a plate of honey.  (119) To chain oneself to Opus Dei is to lose all intellectual, volitional and spiritual faculties in order to become an automaton, a puppet, at the service of the Work and the "Father". Opus Dei is the comedy of hypocrisy. Miguel Fisac acknowledges (120) that the only thing Opus Dei gave him was to suffer “authentic spiritual martyrdom until he left” and that “it was after he left Opus Dei that he did more work and was more interested in it”.

To succeed in deprogramming the followers is a slow task of re-education. Snapping is necessary to begin a phase of recovery and readjustment of the subject so that he or she can get back in touch with reality and remove the hallucinations that have been imbued in the Work.


115. Moncada, "Historia oral del Opus Dei", p. 123.
116. Walsh, p. 176.
117. Rodríguez, "Esclavos de un mesías" ("Slaves of a Messiah"), p. 139.
118. Rodríguez, "El poder de las sectas" ("The Power of Cults") p. 30.
119. Nicolás Cobo, "Faro inconfundible" ("Unmistakable Lighthouse") (June 1988)
120. Miguel Fisac in "¿Por qué no es usted del Opus Dei?" ("Why Aren't You in Opus Dei"), op cit, p 215.

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