by Alfonso Carlos de Borbón


To unravel the enigma of best-characterized simulation of these times and solve the maze in a surprising way, it has been necessary to unravel a tangled skein of a confusing warp. Appearances can be deceiving. Things are not what they seem. Ambiguity and confusion are the symptom of the present day.

Leo XIII, referring to Freemasonry, said in the encyclical "Humanum Genus" that to unmask it was to overcome it. This is a search for the light in the real meaning of Opus Dei, diving into its roots, interrelating its most characteristic thoughts and penetrating into the phreatic and subterranean waters that irrigate the structure of this organism that is embedded in the marrow of the Catholic Church. This search is the heart of an exciting book that reveals to us the background, the interlacing, the rebound of the organization that today enjoys a Prelature in the Holy See and that is on the verge of elevating to holiness its controversial and caricatured founder.

History is generally told sometimes by its superficial aspect and other times by the anecdotal aspect of any event. Events are described as if they occurred spontaneously, without cause or origin, which leads to a merely epidermal view of pure reality. In order to know the phenomena in depth and to give them a meaning and an explanation, it is necessary to separate the leaf litter, whose mulch can cover the light, to make visible the other side of the mirror, the opaque, invisible part that is undoubtedly the one that moves the threads of the puppet theatre.

When one begins the descent to the most remote and unexplored chasms, where darkness blinds perception, one may find the surprise of what one could call the implausibility. The Opus unmasked is the story of a plot where reality and fiction seem to merge and come together as if they were a perfect alloy. In such circumstances, two paths are possible. Either silence and hide the conclusions in the deepest and most telluric depths, or expose them, reveal them and divulge them for general knowledge. Faced with this dichotomy, the author has opted for the second in order to clear up the great unknown of the convoluted equation that Opus Dei poses.

It is not a scandalous or provocative book. It is controversial. One can agree or disagree with its content. Indifference, neutrality and equidistance are not possible.

The book does not exhaust and does not reach the ultimate goal, although it does reach the highest level. It begins the journey, it opens a new field of research, hitherto unseen. Throughout his history, man has come on the face of the earth uniting and segregating, merging or dissolving elements, ideas, thought. The author has set up a column - which could be the fifth - the Opus Dei, with another pillar, the Judaism, as a foundation and a colophon.

The reading of this book is obligatory if one does not want to sin incautiously, since ignorance will never exempt us from the harmful and irreparable consequences. It is not a cry of alarm, but a conscious voice of warning for men who seek the truth in order to be fully free.

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